Fundamental ELT specialisms

Digitally rich VS. digitally poor learning environments

Approximately half of the world’s population (some 3.6 billion people) still lack an internet connection. This means that at least 463 million, or nearly one-third of students around the globe, cannot access remote learning, mainly due to a lack of online learning policies or lack of equipment needed to connect from home. Most students do not have the appropriate connectivity, device, and digital skills required to find and use educational content dependent on technology.

Our specialization

Our specialisation is related to working in low-resourced contexts with little or no access to broadband, but with increasing access to mobile connections. We are becoming increasingly connected to our teachers and their learners through radio/audio online synchronous training, as well as developing low technology alternatives,  such as audio and radio broadcast scripts for the education of learners and teacher training.

  • Current problem

    Existence of low resource communities where learning is difficult to accomplish

  • Possible solution

    Slow increase in mobile internet connection and connecting teachers and learners through chat apps and radio

  • Where does ELT-Consultants © fit in?

    Developing radio/audio online synchronous teacher training, as well as developing low technology alternatives,  such as audio and radio broadcast scripts for the education of learners and teacher training.

Monitoring & evaluation of learning (MEL) in ELT

Monitoring, observing, sampling, evaluating; quality assurance by supporting, advising; training in EDI, data management, safeguarding.

  1. Windle Trust international 2017 South Sudan. Monitored and evaluated the Pilot stage of teacher training programme; Adjusted materials post pilot stage ready for whole country national roll out
  2. Managing Consultant for British Council Viet Nam projects – evaluated 3 digital learning innovation fund projects; supporting, monitoring and evaluating 5 teacher activity groups (TAG). British Council Viet Nam 2022 – 2023
  3. Script writing for audio/radio, British Council, Regional Education and English Academic Lead, South Asia (for global use) 2020-2021 High quality, targeted support to Ministries of education who are looking to develop content for broadcast to reach students remotely 30-hour course. M&E framework, sample module, completed modules, assessment process and tools, piloting (20 participants and trainer), revisions, support design process. M&S report with recommendations.
  4. British Council, Teaching for Success, Tunisia – Winter Programme 2019 to 2020. Monitored and assured quality, visiting all 20 venues and observing all 21 teacher trainers and 54 Teacher Educators during the split 2-day and 3-day teacher training programme and the remote support programme. 2,500 teachers trained.
  5. British Council, Teaching for Success, Tunisia – Summer Programme 2019. Monitored and assured quality, visiting all 12 venues and observing all 57 teacher trainers and 54 Teacher Educators during the 5-day teacher training programme. 2,500 teachers trained.
  6. British Council, EQUIPT ELT, Tanzania 2013-2014 Designed format and approved tools for monitoring and evaluation of the teacher trainers training during trial. Acted as independent consultant to analyse results, follow on projects: M&E on the subsequent pilot and planned whole country roll-out.
  7. British Council, Chiapas Mexico 06/12/2022 to 31/12/2023 – Low-tech using Telegram App

    Communication with Project Team using Telegram App, TEAMS, Google Drive and Trello Project management app

    Planning, delivery and M&E for teacher development projects through instant messaging for teachers in rural or vulnerable areas in Latin America.

    1. Design project plans
    2. Implement project
    3. Monitoring and reporting
  8. British Council, China 26/9/22 to 30/3/23 – National Online Digital Development of English Teachers (NODE) Project

    The British Council – CEAIE NODE (National Online Development of English Teachers) large scale teacher Continuous Professional Development (CPD) project is aimed at supporting English teachers in Junior High school contexts through digital mediums.

    Led Teacher Training using Zoom and Tencent (VOOV); cascade using Tencent (VOOV), communication using WeChat and teams


    1. Needs Analysis
    2. Lead teacher training
    3. Bespoke UK-led online training
    4. Self-access learning (SAL) supplement
    5. Localization webinars
    6. TAGs (teacher activity groups)
    7. UK TAG support sessions
    8. Research-based activities
    9. MEL activities
  9. France Education International (FEI)

    03/05/22 to 05/2024 – Education Quality Improvement Programme 2 in Sudan (EQUIP2-Sudan)

    1. Develop 35-day Master trainer training on writing teacher training programmes for teachers of English at pre-service and in-service levels
    2.  Deliver the training f2f in Khartoum over 7 training weeks between June to September 2022
    3. Attend a follow up f2f 5-day activity at the beginning of Semester 2 2022
    4. Tracking teacher training programme between Semester 2 2023 to Semester 1 2024
    5. Attend a f2f seminar on the impact of the training May 2024
  10. British Council, Senegal 27/09/22 to 30/03/23 – English Connects Senegal: Supporting the Creation of Teaching and Assessment Materials

    Training using Zoom. Communication using WhatsApp and Google Drive

    Design training and train trainers to create materials for the Ministry of National Education website

    1. Mentor trainers to cascade training
    2. Generate 400 materials 
    3. Quality assurance of the materials

Project and education management in ELT

  1. Managing Consultant for British Council Viet Nam projects – evaluated 3 digital learning innovation fund projects; supporting, monitoring and evaluating 5 teacher activity groups (TAG). British Council Viet Nam 2022 – 2023
  2. British Council, Venezuela. 2017-2018. Project manager and editor for Pilot Grade 4 to 6 English coursebooks and Teacher’s book for the classroom in Venezuela. Published by: British Council and Ministry of Education, Venezuela
  3. Cambridge University Press. 2015. Project co-ordinator and co-author Pilot Bridge to Success, grades 1,4 and 7 (learners/course book and activity/workbook and teachers book) published by Cambridge University Press for MoE UAE: August 2015
  4. South Sudan Primary teachers education reform 2017
    ⦁ Trained the national team of 15 from MoE and Assessment Dept. to design linguistic assessment tools based on CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) pre-A1, A2, A2+, B1, B1+ and assess both four linguistic skills and methodology (based on observation);
    ⦁ Delivered trainings to a national team of 30 MoE and ELT specialists to write a 250-hour teacher training programme to meet the gap in teacher’s linguistic and methodology skills;
    ⦁ Monitored and evaluated the Pilot stage of the teacher training programme;
    ⦁ Adjusted materials post-pilot stage ready for whole country national roll-out.
  5. Script writing for audio/radio, British Council, Regional Education and English Academic Lead, South Asia (for global use) 2020-2021 High quality, targeted support to Ministries of education who are looking to develop content for broadcast to reach students remotely 30-hour course. Participant workbook (120 pages) + trainer’s notes (150 pages) which could be offered online/remotely (web-based group video) or in face-to-face blended mode. Target audience: government-employed or freelance educators and materials writers in lower resource contexts who need to write content for radio broadcast to support student learning goals. Scoping study, develop course outline, M&E framework, sample module, completed modules, assessment process and tools, piloting (20 participants and trainer), revisions, support design process. M&S report with recommendations.
  6. Girls Education South Sudan (GESS 2)-Quality Education*2019
    ⦁ Designed trainings and trained 30 national writers/trainers to develop a 60-hour Intensive English Course (IEC) to support a 2-year Accelerated English Programme for Primary teachers who have not completed their Secondary school education;
    ⦁ Scripted and sampled trainings and mentored trainers modifying IEC face-to-face training into delivery by radio broadcast/audio mp3 player;
    ⦁ Mentored national trainers to design assessment tools and analysis
    ⦁ Provided capacity building activities for education managers and school communities.
    ⦁ *part of the consortium lead by Mott Macdonald, with Windle Trust International, BBC Media Action, Leonard Cheshire and Montrose

Fundamental EDI projects: Alignment to SDGs 4 and 5

Teacher Training using digital technologies (SDG 4)

1.British Council, Venezuela. 2020-2023 PNF Teacher training (20-hour modules, with 10 workshops each, 1-hour asynchronous and 1-hour synchronous, delivered through Telegram App, based on British Council’s CPD Framework):
Module 7 – Integrating ICT

2. British Council, Venezuela 2020 shared with teachers in Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, and Uruguay. Designed and delivered a 2-hour online training for primary teachers and trainers in Latin America on ‘English for Primary: what and how you can teach children online’. Delivered on Teams. The training covered: online safeguarding: child protection; using stories to teach language; using Facebook (FB) Live; designing materials to use on FB Live; show interactive activities using FB Live; teaching phonics. Click here for more information.

3. British Council – English Connects RFP 3 English Clubs’ Toolkit for Tertiary level 2018-2019. Developed English Clubs’ Toolkit for the Tertiary level, with SD cards. Trained English Club leaders to use SD cards. Developed research tool and pilot toolkit in Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal; Analyzed research tools post and presented findings in-country

4. Aptara, Inc for UAE 2020. Design maths and science micro lessons for an AI engine. Target audience G5-8 non-native English learners developing maths and science and English simultaneously. Review storyboards and map to grammar, and math vocab. Language level Grade 4/5 CEFR A1-A2; Grade 6-7 CEFR A1-A2+

5. British Council, UK: Indonesia Digital Innovation Grants 2021-2023 DIGI: collaborative professional development. Collaboration between Indonesia Technology-Enhanced Language Learning iTELL) and ELT Consultants to design an extensive, inclusive, digital CPD intervention for 300 secondary English teachers in Indonesia using a flipped learning approach. 9-month cycle:

Week 1: self-access MOOC module,
Week 2: post-MOOC Telegram workshop,
Week 3: classroom experiment and
Week 4: Telegram communities of practice.

6. British Council, EES Argentina 2021 Remote Training skills MOOC
The objectives of this project are to develop and design a MOOC (Massive open online course) to be imparted through the British Council´s EES LMS platform. The purpose of the course is to deliver online training to English teachers and teacher educators throughout the Americas, on English remote teaching.
Structure of course: 4 modules (3 hours x 4), over 4 weeks. English.

Module 1 – A considered approach to remote teaching

Module 2 – Lesson Planning & Adapting materials

Module 3 – Classroom Management

Module 4 – Motivation & Assessment

7. British Council, EES Americas 2020-21 New Ways of Teaching: Skills and CPD for Teachers.

⦁ Identify and read relevant international and national reports and pandemic-related documents to identify key areas for investigation.
⦁ Design and distribute an online survey for completion by key stakeholders (teachers) in all countries to understand the extent of the challenges posed by school closures as well as the nature of the different response strategies implemented. Sample size should be sufficient for statistical analysis to enable comparison with data from other contexts in the Americas
⦁ Conduct online focus group interviews with teachers to understand their lived experiences of education during the lockdown and beyond, as well as their assessment of the impact of the intervention strategies on their learning during and after school closures.
⦁ Make recommendations on the skills teachers need in order to teach remotely (asynchronously and synchronously), as well as hybrid teaching. Ideal length of training and frequency.
⦁ Make recommendations on the CPD that school leaders and policymakers need in the above.

8. British Council, Mexico 06/12/2022 to 31/12/2023

British Council, Chiapas, Mexico – Low-tech using Telegram App

Communication with Project Team using Telegram App, TEAMS, Google Drive and Trello Project management app

Planning, delivery and M&E for teacher development projects through instant messaging for teachers in rural or vulnerable areas in Latin America.

    1. Design project plans
    2. Implement project
    3. Monitoring and reporting

9. British Council, China 26/9/22 to 30/3/23 – National Online Digital Development of English Teachers (NODE) Project

The British Council – CEAIE NODE (National Online Development of English Teachers) large scale teacher Continuous Professional Development (CPD) project is aimed at supporting English teachers in Junior High school contexts through digital mediums.

Led Teacher Training using Zoom and Tencent (VOOV); cascade using Tencent (VOOV), communication using WeChat and teams


    1. Needs Analysis
    2. Lead teacher training
    3. Bespoke UK-led online training
    4. Self-access learning (SAL) supplement
    5. Localization webinars
    6. TAGs (teacher activity groups)
    7. UK TAG support sessions
    8. Research-based activities
    9. MEL activities
  1. IATEFL LT Sig Showcase at IATEFL Belfast 2022 annual conference, Telegram App as a tool for remote training and teaching; Data from the delivery of 2 modules (40 hours) to 400 teachers in Venezuela using Telegram App and a flipped approach; Review by an independent consultant to inform possible changes to formal; Reflection on experiments within the delivery of Module 2 to explore the extent of the tools of the app to teacher training; Challenges and solutions
  2. BBELT online conference 2022; Telegram as a Tool for Remote Teacher Training; The Telegram App is being used to train 400 Secondary teachers in Venezuela, in 13 groups with bespoke materials designed around the British Council’s 1) CPD framework for teachers and 2) CPD framework for Teacher Educators; Teachers of English in Venezuela have low language proficiency, there is a lack of secondary teachers and many teachers of other subjects are being asked to teach English; This context has challenges with teachers not having access to computers, tablets, laptops, regular electricity cuts, lack of steady broadband coverage but most have mobile devices.
  3. Education Everywhere Conference for Myanmar, Thailand. Presenting findings from the New Ways of Teaching: Skills and CPD for Teachers 2021Strand 2: Strategies to Reach All Learners. Delivered on Zoom. Sharing research aim and methodology. Sharing research findings. Identifying new skills teachers need to teach remotely. Comparing research findings and UK context. Sharing some practical ideas.
  4. IATEFL YLT SIG Showcase 2021 Virtual conference. English in the Primary Schools in Venezuela included using bespoke app for learning in the classroom.
  5. British Council, Latin America 2021. Designed and delivered a 2-hour online training for primary teachers and trainers in Latin America on ‘English for Primary: what and how you can teach children online’. Delivered on TeamsThe training covered: online safeguarding: child protection, using stories to teach language, using Facebook (FB) Live, designing materials to use on FB Live, showing interactive activities using FB Live, teaching phonics. Click here for the live FB video.
  6. AfricaTESOL 2017. Presented at AFRICATESOL (Dakar) conference on ‘Sustainable teacher training for primary teachers in South Sudan: language, methodology and developing low resourced materials’, which included the use of Telegram app.
  7. IATEFL 2016 conference presentation in Forum on Educational Reform on ‘Changing the mindset: sustainable reform in Venezuelan state education’. Which included using f2f and virtual teacher training, as well as, learner materials.
  1. Article in HTL online magazine Telegram as a tool for Remote Teacher Training Co-authored with Dr. Juana Sagaray and Dr.Maria-Teresa Fernandez
  2. IATEFL Voices May Issue 2023 Telegram app as a tool for remote training and teaching Describing the projects in Venezuela, Mexico and Indonesia which train teachers and teacher educators using the Telegram App.

Curriculum development: Online & f2f (SDG 4)

  1. British Council, Broadcast media EES 2020 – Lower Primary (Primary 1 to 3)-initial stage in the development of a series of audio lessons to support English language instruction in low-resource contexts for primary and lower secondary grades (combined syllabus to be referenced by writers to develop scripts for the audio lessons). Collate syllabus documents and any source course books/teacher’s books used in the local public sector (6-10 countries). Create a combined syllabus with common and most consistent themes, learning objectives, and language areas to provide an idea or the weighting for topics/areas covered (unit themes, learning objectives/outcomes, language functions, target vocab/lexis
  2. British Council – Lower Secondary Plus course concept and syllabus development 2017.
    Reviewed the current Lower Secondary Plus pilot module and concept, and the piloting feedback from target users and teacher reviewers, made recommendations on final concept and features that formed ‘course blueprint’; With reference to the Upper secondary syllabus approach and various documents, created a syllabus framework and rationale for the LSP syllabus. Developed a full model syllabus for B1.1 level as an indicative example for full syllabus development for British Council sign-off; Based on signed-off LSP syllabus rationale and B1.1 model, created a full 6- level LSP syllabus encompassing General
  3. British Council, Tanzania EQUIPT ELT 2013-2014. Conducted discussion of mapping of ‘Baseline’ to the English Language Syllabus for Tanzania with local consultant Ed- Improvement Agency; Mapped Ministry curriculum and materials for Form 1 to ‘Baseline’ programme; Reported and presented to stakeholders, which included Minister of Education, DFiD (funders), Ministry of Education curriculum, assessment, teacher training departments on curriculum reform.
  1. British Council, Venezuela 2021 – joint author of ‘Perspectivas de las formadoras en el PNF y PNFA del British Council, Venezuela in López de D’Amico, R. & Hutchinson, R. (2021). Experiencias de formación en el área de Inglés durante la pandemia. Caracas: British Council, CENAMEC & UNEM. Click here for the publication.
  2. British Council, Venezuela 2020 – Don’t forget learner resources and support for the teachers! In López de D’Amico, R. & Hutchinson, R. (2020). Venezuelan Primary English: Empowering teachers and young learners. Caracas: British Council, CENAMEC & UNEM. Click here for the publication.
  3. Taylor & Francis/Routledge – joint author of the chapter ‘Language Learning through Projects’ in the publication ‘The Routledge Handbook of Teaching English to Young Learners edited by Sue Garton and Fiona Copland. Publisher: Taylor&Francis/Routledge 2019
  4. British Council, Venezuela – chapter in Se Respira Cambio-transformando la ensenanza del ingles en el sistema educativo venezolano’. Edited by Mark Gregson and Rosa Lopez de Amico. Published by the British Council 2017 Accessible: Click here for the article link.
  5. IATEFL YLT Sig (young learners and teenagers special interest group) – co-author of a chapter in the publication ‘Children learning English: from research to practice in Language Teaching and Professional Development section: ‘Capacity Building and Empowerment: A Primary Teacher Training Project in Venezuela.’ Publisher: Garnet October 2014
  6. Palgrave Macmillan Co-author with Shelagh Rixon, chapter in ‘Global Perspective and Young Learners ‘(ed Sarah Rich) publication 2015: UK. ‘Making the moves from decoding to text work to extensive reading with young learners: insights from research and practice around the world’, the chapter focuses on reading strategies that need to be taught explicitly as well as some research results including Hong Kong using a graded extensive reading scheme.
  7. Continuum International Publishing Group Author, chapter in ‘Research on the Effects of Materials Development for Language Teaching’ (eds. Brian Tomlinson and HitomiMasuhara) publication 2010. ‘A longitudinal Study of the Effects of a Graded Reader Scheme for Young Learners in Hong Kong’.
  8. Continuum International Publishing Group Co-author with Shelagh Rixon of chapter ‘Materials for Teaching English to Young Learners’ in English Language Learning Materials: A Critical Study, the chapter focuses on young learner materials available globally (edited by Brian Tomlinson, Leeds Metropolitan University) 2008:London

Early literacy in ELT: English and mother tongue (goals 4 & 5)

Activities include: CPD teacher development; student assessment; online and f2f; EDI.


1.IATEFL YLT SiG Developing Children’s Initial Literacy in early years and lower Primary ELT 2021 Designed and delivered 6 hours (2 hours/day over 3 days). Delivered on Zoom


DAY 1 – Foundations and Buildings blocks;

DAY 2 – Beyond Sounding out: making meaning.

DAY 3 – Becoming a reader: Reading to Learn.


2. Guinean English Teachers Club (GETC), Guinea 2021. Making and Using Teaching Materials for Literacy Designed and delivered a 6-hour 3 session teacher training on Zoom.


  • Workshop 1: loan word cognates chart (made of recycled plastic sacking).
  • Workshop 2: linking letters and sounds in English to blend and segment words (using recycled plastic bottle tops).
  • Workshop 3: whole words, word order, constructing language (using recycled cartons)


3. CfBT 2020 Early literacy. Delivered on Teams. Designed and delivered Cycle 1- Professional Development Sessions-Early Literacy: 2-hour online workshops for CfBT primary and secondary teachers (3 x secondary, 2 x primary). Designed and delivered Cycle 2- Professional Development Sessions-Literacy Development: 2-hour online workshops for CfBT primary and secondary teachers (3 x secondary, 2 x primary teacher cycles) Total of 200 primary and secondary teachers trained

4. ELT Consultants Zoom live-streamed on Facebook. 2020 Learning to Read with Wendy Arnold. Delivered on Zoom live streaming to Facebook Live Design and deliver 30-45 minute extensively online sessions on early literacy (sessions 1 to 30). Content included: Letters/symbols and sounds in Arabic, English, Lao, and Spanish for decoding; Blending; Segmenting; Encoding text to make meaning

  1. British Council website – Teaching kids – co-author – Reading and young learners. 2015
  2. ‘Language and Literature teaching’ (published in Russian, Uzbek, and English) consultant and article writer. January 2015 onwards
  3. FLTRP (China) ‘English Learning’ (teachers’ version) ‘Phonics – Part 3 – exception words – issue 8 2015
  4. FLTRP (China) ‘English Learning’ (teachers’ version) ‘Phonics – Part 2 – digraphs/dipthongs and trigraphs/tripthongs – issue 7 2015
  5. FLTRP (China) ‘English Learning’ (teachers’ version) ‘Phonics – Part 1 – phonemes and graphemes – issue 6 2015
  6. FLTRP (China) ‘English Learning’ (teachers’ version) ‘Introduction to Phonics’ – issue 5 2014
  7. FLTRP (China) ‘English Learning’ (teachers’ version) ‘Homework design’ – issue 4 2014
  8. FLTRP (China) ‘English Learning’ (teachers’ version) ‘Early Literacy’ – issue 3 2014
  9. FLTRP (China) ‘English Learning’ (teachers’ version) ‘Learning Styles’– issue 2 2014

Language assessment in ELT (goals 4 & 5)

Activities include: CPD teacher development; student assessment; online and f2f; EDI.

  1. British Council, English Connects (jointly funded by the FCDO and British Council, managed by the British Council). Djibouti Assessment Literacy Consultancy and Training – 2021-2022. Working with the Ministry of Education and Professional Training (MENFOP), review Djibouti’s assessment system including current curriculum and textbooks, as well as train pedagogical advisors and ELT Inspector on Assessment Literacy and exam standardisation. 6-day inspector and pedagogic advisor training (36-hours remote via Zoom and 6-hours asynchronous) 2- day teacher training (9-hours face-to-face and 3-hours asynchronous)
  2. British Council, Venezuela. 2020-2023 PNF Teacher training (20-hour modules, with 10 workshops each, 1-hour asynchronous and 1-hour synchronous, delivered through Telegram App, based on British Council’s CPD Framework):
    Module 9 – Assessing learners
  3. British Council, Venezuela. 2020 Tools to assess Young Learners. Delivered on Zoom
    Design and deliver a 2-hour facilitator and supervisor training. Design a trainer manual for delivering subsequent teacher training sessions Design a pupil portfolio booklet showing evidence of learning. Design assessment tools for teachers to use in the classroom and online
  4. Windle Trust International 2017 Trained the national team to design linguistic assessment tools based on CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) pre- A1, A2, A2+, B1, B1+ and assess both four linguistic skills and methodology (based on observation)
  5. British Council, Uzbekistan 2014-2018. Conducted policy discussions with stakeholders from the Ministry of Education on English curriculum reform. Facilitated the discussions around the assessment, monitoring, and evaluation of ELT at the primary level.
  6. British Council, Senegal 27/09/22 to 30/03/23 – English Connects Senegal: Supporting the Creation of Teaching and Assessment Materials

    Training using Zoom. Communication using WhatsApp and Google Drive.

    Design training and train trainers to create assessment materials for the Ministry of National Education website.

    1. Mentor trainers to cascade training
    2. Generate 100 materials 
    3. Quality assurance of the materials

Materials development in ELT

Teacher materials (module writing online and f2f; articles; building national capacity; EDI)

  1. British Council, English Connects Sudan: Materials Development of Online Supplementary Teacher Resources for Grades 1 to 3. 2022-2023 Working with the three curriculum writers for Grades 1 to 3: Design 20 sample lesson plans (per grade) showing teachers how to teach the activities in the coursebook; design 20 activities (per grade)how to teach each of the 4 skills for 6-9-year-olds; examples on how to conduct continuous assessment and end of term assessment; advise and write 10 short articles on how to manage large classes of around 70 students in low resource contexts, teach mixed ability, give feedback, when to use L1, how to use a smartphone in class and improve English language proficiency as a teacher through self-access learning
  2. British Council, Teaching for Success – Tunisia Winter Programme 2019 to 2020. Modified the 5-day, 30-hour Summer Teacher Training programme for Primary 4 teachers in Tunisia to be delivery in a 2-day and 3-day programme; Designed a remote support programme for teachers to be supported between f2f trainings using WhatsApp, Telegram, and Facebook.
  3. British Council, Teaching for Success – Tunisia Summer Programme 2019. Designed a 5-day, 30-hour teacher training summer programme for Primary 4 teachers in Tunisia, alongside a trainer training programme for teacher advisors (TA) taking part in the training. Focus on early literacy
  4. British Council, Teaching for Success, Tunisia Success on Wheels 2019-2020- Designed materials for 2-hour bespoke workshops for teachers in remote rural villages in the Tunisian countryside. Materials aligned to Ministry of Education curriculum.
  5. British Council, Uzbekistan 2014-2018 Mentored national coursebook writers of coursebooks Grades 1 to 6. Monitored and gave feedback on materials development. Trained in the design of teachers’ books.
  6. Windle Trust international 2017 Delivered trainings to the national team to write a 250-hour teacher training programme to meet the gap in teacher’s linguistic and methodology skills; Monitored and evaluated the Pilot stage of teacher training programme; Adjusted materials post-pilot stage ready for whole country’s national roll-out;
  7. British Council, Viet Nam (for Laos) 2017. Designed and delivered a 5-day training on the Principles and Practice of Teaching English to Young Learners to teachers of English.
  8. British Council, Viet Nam (for Laos) 2017 Designed and facilitated a 5-days training on the development of a pre-service training curriculum for primary English teacher training.
  9. British Council, Viet Nam (for Laos) 2017. Conducted a 10-days training for national ELT professionals on how to write the curriculum and develop the teaching materials drawing upon the CEFR framework.

British Council, Latin America & Global 2021 – designed a MOOC (Massive open online course) to be imparted through the British Council´s EES LMS platform. The purpose of the course is to deliver online training to English teachers and teacher educators throughout the Americas, on English remote teaching. Structure of course: 4 modules (3 hours x 4), over 4 weeks.

    1. A considered approach to remote teaching.
    2. Lesson Planning & Adapting materials.
    3. Classroom Management.
    4. Motivation & Assessment.

Teacher educator materials (module writing online and f2f; articles; building national capacity, EDI)

  1. British Council, Teaching for Success – Winter Programme 2019 to 2020. Designed the teacher educator programme whereby 54 teacher educators shadowed the teacher trainers who delivered the 5-day, 30-hour Summer Teacher Training programme for Primary 4 teachers in a 2-day and 3-day programme and the remote support programme for teachers supported between f2f training using WhatsApp, Telegram, and Facebook. The teacher educators took on increasing amounts of the teacher training mentored by the teacher trainers.
  2. British Council, Teaching for Success – Summer Programme 2019. Designed the teacher educator programme whereby 54 teacher educators shadowed the teacher trainers who delivered the 5-day, 30-hour Summer Teacher Training programme for Primary 4 teachers. The teacher educators took on increasing amounts of the teacher training mentored by the teacher trainers.
  3. France Education International (FEI)

    03/05/22 to 05/2024 – Education Quality Improvement Programme 2 in Sudan (EQUIP2-Sudan)

    1. Develop 35-day Master trainer training on writing teacher training programmes for teachers of English at pre-service and in-service levels
    2.  Deliver the training f2f in Khartoum over 7 training weeks between June to September 2022
    3. Attend a follow up f2f 5-day activity at the beginning of Semester 2 2022
    4. Tracking teacher training programme between Semester 2 2023 to Semester 1 2024
    5. Attend a f2f seminar on the impact of the training May 2024
  4. British Council, Senegal 27/09/22 to 30/03/23 – English Connects Senegal: Supporting the Creation of Teaching and Assessment Materials

    Training using Zoom. Communication using WhatsApp and Google Drive

    Design training and train trainers to create materials for the Ministry of National Education website

    1. Mentor trainers to cascade training
    2. Generate 400 materials 
    3. Quality assurance of the materials
  1. France Education International (FEI) Education Quality Improvement Programme 2 in Sudan (EQUIP2-Sudan) 2022- 2024 – Develop and deliver 35-day Master trainer training on writing teacher training programmes for teachers of English at pre-service and in-service levels, monitor, guide, support, assess.
  2. British Council, Venezuela 2021 – designed a 20-hour module for Teacher Educators based on the British Council’s Teacher Educator CPD framework. Design a 20-hour Teacher Educator coaching module to deliver the British Council PNF Secondary teacher training Module 1 and 2 Cohort 2 programmes. Design a 40-hour Teacher Educator mentoring module to mentor teacher educators as they deliver the PNF Secondary teacher training Module 1 and 2 Cohort 2 programmes.
  3. British Council, Venezuela 2020 – 2022– designed 12 x 20-hour (240 hours) modules to enhance teaching methodology of Secondary teachers of English. Delivered asynchronously and synchronously using instant messaging app Telegram with a flipped learning approach. Modules based on the British Council’s CPD framework for teacher: 1. Planning lessons, 2. managing lessons, 3. teaching teenagers, 4. ELT approaches and methods, 5. managing resources, 6. assessing learners,7. integrating ICT, 8. promoting 21st century skills, 9. using inclusive practices, 10. development of intercultural competence, 11. Teaching English for the planet, and 12. Teacher Educator (based on British Council’s Teacher Educator CPD framework).
  4. British Council, China 26/9/22 to 30/3/23 – National Online Digital Development of English Teachers (NODE) Project

    The British Council – CEAIE NODE (National Online Development of English Teachers) large scale teacher Continuous Professional Development (CPD) project is aimed at supporting English teachers in Junior High school contexts through digital mediums.

    Led Teacher Training using Zoom and Tencent (VOOV); cascade using Tencent (VOOV), communication using WeChat and teams


    1. Needs Analysis
    2. Lead teacher training
    3. Bespoke UK-led online training
    4. Self-access learning (SAL) supplement
    5. Localization webinars
    6. TAGs (teacher activity groups)
    7. UK TAG support sessions
    8. Research-based activities
    9. MEL activities
  5. France Education International (FEI)

    03/05/22 to 05/2024 – Education Quality Improvement Programme 2 in Sudan (EQUIP2-Sudan)

    1. Develop 35-day Master trainer training on writing teacher training programmes for teachers of English at pre-service and in-service levels
    2.  Deliver the training f2f in Khartoum over 7 training weeks between June to September 2022
    3. Attend a follow up f2f 5-day activity at the beginning of Semester 2 2022
    4. Tracking teacher training programme between Semester 2 2023 to Semester 1 2024
    5. Attend a f2f seminar on the impact of the training May 2024
  6. British Council, Senegal 27/09/22 to 30/03/23 – English Connects Senegal: Supporting the Creation of Teaching and Assessment Materials

    Training using Zoom. Communication using WhatsApp and Google Drive

    Design training and train trainers to create materials for the Ministry of National Education website

    1. Mentor trainers to cascade training
    2. Generate 400 materials 
    3. Quality assurance of the materials

Learner classroom materials (f2f and online; building national capacity; EDI)

  1. The Hands Up Project 2020 to 2021. Designed and co-delivered with Palestinian teachers on Zoom live streamed on Facebook Live for Grades 1 to 3
  2. British Embassy, Laos 2017-2018 Developing Grade 3 to 5 classroom materials (5-year project) continuation of 2017 syllabus development. Trained in-country team to develop Grade 3 English Language Teacher’s Guide and Pupil’s textbook
  3. British Council, Venezuela. 2017-2018. Project manager and editor for Pilot Grade 4 to 6 English coursebooks and Teacher’s book for the classroom in Venezuela. Published by: British Council and Ministry of Education, Venezuela
  4. British Council, Pakistan 2014-2015. Consulted and designed education training materials for Grade 6 to 8 teachers of Maths, Science, and IT delivering their subjects through English
  5. British Council MENA (the Middle East and North Africa) content based on stories for regional YL summer school for 6/7 age range at 3 levels of proficiency x 36 hours each level: British Council UAE (commissioned by Business Development Manager BC UAE) 15th February 2013

This is a sample as many ELT-consultants © Associates are also published authors.

  1. Project co-author Pilot Bridge to Success, grades 1,4 and 7 (learners/course book and activity/workbook and teachers book) published by Cambridge University Press for MoE UAE: August 2015
  2. Co-author ‘Revision Guide’ key stage 1 English for native English speakers of English. Published by HarperCollins:2015
  3. Co-author ‘Workbook’ key stage 1 English for native English speakers of English. Published by HarperCollins:2015
  4. Co-author ‘Get Ready 3,4,5,6’coursebook and teacher’s books for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia published by Macmillan:2013
  5. Author for blended English course Grade 3A. BBC: Hong Kong: 2013-2014
  6. Author ‘New English for Palestine’ coursebook Grade 6 published by Macmillan:2013
  7. Author ‘New English for Palestine’coursebook Grade 5 published by Macmillan: 2012
  8. Author ‘New English for Palestine’coursebooks Grades 1-4 published by Macmillan: 2011
  9. Co-authored with Adrian Tennant ‘English for Saudi Arabia’ coursebooks Grades 4-6, published by Macmillan:
  10. Author of ‘New Magic’ coursebooks Grades 4-6 (Hong Kong) published by Oxford University Press: 2008
  11. Author of ‘Magic’ coursebooks Grades 4 – 6 (Hong Kong) published by Oxford University Press: 2005
  1. British Council, Venezuela. Storytime – community radio. Develop a 75 x 15-minute radio broadcast using stories for Grade 4 to 6. Interactive radio instruction (for Ss at home alone). (2020-21)
  2. British Council, Lower Primary (Primary 1 to 3) combined syllabus of up to 10 countries in low-resource contexts for use to develop educational audio materials (2020)
  3. British Council, Primary Plus syllabus Primary 1 to 6 syllabus at 2 levels from Primary 1 and 2 (literate and needing literacy) (2018)
  4. British Council, Primary Plus Literacy pack (2018)
  5. Project manager and editor of 84 lesson plans and 84 individually designed branded support materials at 7 levels for an English language school programme in China for learners aged 3 to 10 years old. Materials based on published coursebook. Subject to NDA confidentiality contract. 2017 to date
  6. Co-author of the teacher training course for Oxford University Press China on how to use published pre-school materials. Workshops based on lesson planning, assessment, supporting learning, and best practices. 2017
  7. British Council MENA (the Middle East and North Africa) content based on stories for regional YL summer school for 6/7 age range at 3 levels of proficiency x 36 hours each level: British Council UAE (commissioned by Business Development Manager BC UAE) 15th February 2013 – 18th February 2014
  8. British Council Sub-Sahara Africa Team writer and co-ordinator for ‘Stories and Songs’ lesson plans and components for the mp3 Lifeplayer usable in developing countries. May 2013
  9. British Council Sudan Teacher’s Book co-author for Grade 3 coursebook. April 2013.
  10. British Council CiPELT (Certificate for Primary English Language Teachers)Team writer for Modules ‘Ready’ (children aged 5-7), ‘Steady’ (children aged 8-10), ‘Go’ (children aged 11-12), CiPELT TOP (Trainer Orientation Programme) CiPELTis a training package aimed at a global market for primary English teachers in low-resourced and developing contexts. CiPELT leads to a British Council certification: British Council UK. 2012
  11. British Council Qatar Team writer ‘Kids Read’. ‘Kids Read’ is a literacy programme that supports extensive reading for pleasure for primary pupils in the Middle East, North Africa, and Pakistan: 2011. WINNER OF SILVER STEVIE PRIZE: corporate social responsibility programme of the year in the Middle East and North Africa – HSBC and British Council
  12. Macmillan Education – Writer ‘Language and methodology’ trainer training programme for Supervisors in Palestine. Commissioned by Macmillan Education: 2011
  13. Macmillan Education – Writer ‘Language and methodology’ teacher training programme for English teachers in Palestine. Commissioned by Macmillan Education: 2011
  1. British Council, Lower Secondary Plus syllabus CEFR A1 to B2 (2018)
  1. IATEFL 2021 Virtual Conference Selections ‘English in the public primary school in Venezuela: a case study’ (co-authors Maria-Teresa Fernandez and Juana Sagaray)
  2. IATEFL 2018 Conference Proceedings ‘Changing the mindset: sustainable reform in Venezuelan state education’ (co-author, Mark Gregson, BC Venezuela)
  3. FLTRP (China) ‘Layered curriculum’ – issue 6 2016
  4. IATEFL VOICES Post conference issue. Longitudinal solutions. 2016
  5. 2016 IATEFL YLT Sig C&Ts 30th anniversary issue. Trends and Developments over the last 30 years in Primary Teacher Training in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). 2016
  6. British Council website-Teaching kids – co-author- Writing and young learners. 2015
  7. British Council website – Teaching kids – co-author – Reading and young learners. 2015
  8.  ‘Language and Literature teaching’ (published in Russian, Uzbek, and English) consultant and article writer. January 2015 onwards
  9. FLTRP (China) ‘English Learning’ (teachers’ version) ‘Phonics – Part 3’ – exception words – issue 8 2015
  10. FLTRP (China) ‘English Learning’ (teachers’ version) ‘Phonics – Part 2 – digraphs/diphthongs and trigraphs/triphthongs’ – issue 7 2015
  11. FLTRP (China) ‘English Learning’ (teachers’ version) ‘Phonics – Part 1 – phonemes and graphemes’ – issue 6 2015
  12. FLTRP (China) ‘English Learning’ (teachers’ version) ‘Introduction to Phonics’ – issue 5 2014
  13. FLTRP (China) ‘English Learning (teachers’ version) ‘Homework design’ – issue 4 2014
  14. FLTRP (China) ‘English Learning’ (teachers’ version) ‘Early Literacy’ – issue 3 2014
  15. FLTRP (China) ‘English Learning’ (teachers’ version) ‘Learning Styles’– issue 2 2014
  16. IATEFL YLT Sig C&TS Spring 2013 ‘The Story of CiPELT: Certificate in Primary English Language Teaching’ co-written by Coralyn Bradshaw and Debbie Candy
  17. British Council website – Teaching kids – Listening and young learners. 2011
  18. EscuelaUniversitariaCardenal CisnerosWhere is CLIL taking us?’ Teaching Training College- Specialised Education Journal ⦁  Madrid: 2010
  19. ELT Journal Vol. 58/4 ‘Meeting individual needs with young learners’ vCo-written with Peter Westwood: 2004
  20. IATEFL Global Issues (special interest group) – Women and teaching (summary of e-discussion): 2004
  21. University of York 2nd International TEYL Research Seminar – ‘Action research: Using project work to promote collaborative learning’:2003
  22. IATEFL CATS (Children and Teenagers-Young Learners special Interest group newsletter) – Collaborative learning: Issue 2/03

Research in ELT: Online and face-to-face

Identify and read relevant international and national reports and pandemic-related documents to identify key areas for investigation. Design and distribute an online survey for completion by key stakeholders (teachers) in all countries to understand the extent of the challenges posed by school closures as well as the nature of the different response strategies implemented. Sample size should be sufficient for statistical analysis to enable comparison with data from other contexts in the Americas. Conduct online focus group interviews with teachers to understand their lived experiences of education during the lockdown and beyond, as well as their assessment of the impact of the intervention strategies on their learning during and after school closures. Make recommendations on the skills teachers need in order to teach remotely (asynchronously and synchronously), as well as hybrid teaching. Ideal length of training and frequency. Make recommendations on the CPD that school leaders and policymakers need in the above. British Council, Americas 2020  

Designed a research methodology to enable the collection of relevant information about the current education policy, primary and secondary level curricula, secondary English language curriculum pedagogy and assessment, teacher education and teacher proficiency levels; Identified all relevant stakeholders to be consulted; Conducted stakeholders’ interview from MoE, ELT inspectors, pedagogic advisors, teacher educators, members of the Guinean English teachers’ association to understand the rationale for the government wanting technical advice on its proposed reform; Analyzed curriculum and materials/textbooks and timetables for primary, secondary and teacher education institutions for both primary and secondary level teachers; Conducted desk analysis of official statistics about education and literacy attainment in Guinea; Collected and analyzed data from the stakeholders: curriculum and materials documentation in other subjects, pre-service teacher education documentation, in-service teacher training documentation; official statistics on education provision. Conducted classroom observations of French and English classes in state primary and secondary to ascertain the readiness of the education system for implementing proposed reform; Produced reports of the process and findings of the situation analysis, proposed recommendations of the key issues, areas, factors, resources and conditions to consider for effective implementation of primary ELT. 

Provided evidence-based advice on a major proposed reform to English language learning and teaching in Côte d’Ivoire’s state education system; Conducted a comprehensive analysis of such features of the current situation, in which the current reform to English in education was proposed, and made concrete recommendations, including suggested measures for mitigating the risks inherent in the proposed reform.

Palgrave Macmillan Co-author with Shelagh Rixon, chapter in ‘Global Perspective and Young Learners ‘(ed Sarah Rich) publication 2015: UK. ‘Making the moves from decoding to text work to extensive reading with young learners:insights from research and practice around the world’, chapter focuses on reading strategies that need to be taught explicitly as well as some research results including Hong Kong using a graded extensive reading scheme.
Continuum International Publishing Group Author, chapter in ‘Research on the Effects of Materials Development for Language Teaching’ (eds. Brian Tomlinson and Hitomi Masuhara) publication 2010. ‘A longitudinal Study of the Effects of a Graded Reader Scheme for Young Learners in Hong Kong’

Teacher training in ELT

Teacher training in ELT

 (monitoring, guiding, supporting, forum discussions, group meetings, individual reviews, assessment, Community of Practice; building national capacity: f2f and online; EDI)

  1. IATEFL YLT SiG Developing Children’s Initial Literacy in early years and lower Primary ELT Designed and delivered 6 hours (2 hours/day over 3 days). Delivered on Zoom. DAY 1 – Foundations and Buildings blocks; DAY 2 – Beyond Sounding out: making meaning. DAY 3 – Becoming a reader: Reading to Learn 2021
  2. British Council, Tunisia 2019-2020. Teaching for Success – Success on Wheels. Delivered 4 x 2-hour bespoke workshops for teachers in rural areas. Delivered online via Skype, facilitated by a 4 x 4-wheel drive car taking VSAT, generator, projector, white screen, microphone, camera, and staff.
  3. British Council, Teaching for Success – Winter Programme 2019 to 2020. Delivered the modified 5-day, 30-hour Summer Teacher Training programme for Primary 4 teachers in Tunisia delivered in a 2-day and 3-day programme; delivered the remote support programme for teachers to be supported between f2f trainings using WhatsApp, Telegram, and Facebook. 2,500 teachers were trained in 20 venues by 21 trainers and 54 teacher educators.
  4. British Council, Teaching for Success – Summer Programme 2019. Delivered the 5-day, 30-hour teacher training summer programme for Primary 4 teachers in Tunisia, alongside a trainer training programme for teacher advisors (TA) taking part in the training. Focus on early literacy. 2,500 teachers trained in 12 venues by 57 trainers and 54 teacher educators.
  5. British Council, Viet Nam (for Laos) 2017. Designed and delivered a 5-day training on the Principles and Practice of Teaching English to Young Learners to teachers of English.
  6. British Council, Viet Nam (for Laos) 2017 Designed and facilitated a 5-days training on the development of a pre-service training curriculum for primary English teacher training.
  7. British Council, Global. 2012 Designed and piloted the Certificate for Primary English Language Teacher. 30-hours of ‘Ready’ for Grades 1 and 2, 30-hours of ‘Steady’ for Grades 3 and 4, and 30-hours of ‘Go’ for Grades 5 and 6. Trainers manual, teachers workbook, PowerPoint for delivery, and bespoke materials designed.
  8. Qatar ALP (British Council) CLIL project language support teacher training materials for Primary Maths and Science teachers(Dec 2009- March 2010)
  1. France Education International (FEI) Education Quality Improvement Programme 2 in Sudan (EQUIP2-Sudan) – monitor, guide, and support teacher trainers delivering the teacher training. 2022 – 2024
  2. British Council UK: Indonesia Digital Innovation Grants. DIGI collaborative professional development – Collaboration between Indonesia Technology-Enhanced Language Learning iTELL) and ELT Consultants to design an extensive, inclusive, digital CPD intervention for 300 secondary English teachers in Indonesia using a flipped learning approach. 2022 – 2023
  3. British Council, Venezuela. 2020 – 2023 Design and delivery of 12 bespoke 20-hour modules based on the British Council’s CPD Framework. Modules include: ELT approaches and methods; Teaching Teenagers; Managing Lessons; Managing Resources: Inclusive practices: Lesson Planning; Integrating ICT; Promoting 21st C skills; Assessing learners; English for the Planet; Intercultural competencies

Teacher educator training in ELT

(monitoring, guiding, supporting, forum discussions, group meetings, individual reviews, assessment, Community of Practice; building national capacity; EDI)

  1. British Council, EQUIPT ELT, Tanzania 2013-2014. Trained senior national trainers to develop materials for a 120–150-hour English language (A0/A1) and methodology programme for generalist-trained teachers in Primary schools. Trained senior national trainers on using newly developed English language and methodology materials for trial
  2. British Council, South Africa 2012. Trainer to DBE (Department of Basic Education) to pre-sett/in-sett providers, assessment department, and national teacher trainers on the delivery of the British Council’s CiPELT (Certificate for Primary English Language Teachers), as well as delivery TOP (Trainer Orientation Programme) for CiPELTDelivered Master trainer trainings on ‘dry run’ master trainer orientation of CiPELT and TOP; Consultancy to DBE on implementation of CAPS (Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement) through meetings with curriculum development and teacher training departments in order to evaluate needs for a whole country approach to the teaching of English;
  3. British Council, global 2012. Designed the Trainer Orientation Programme (TOP) for training master trainers to deliver CiPELT.
  4. British Council, Uganda. 2012 Delivered trainer trainings: CiPELT (Certificate for Primary English Language Teachers ) TOP (Trainer Orientation Programme) with pre-sett/in-sett providers, inspectors, mentors, primary and secondary school teacher trainers from 10 regions. Facilitated trainings to Inspectors of schools, in-service tutors, and UNELTA (Ugandan English Language Teacher Association): teacher orientation to CiPELT(Certificate for Primary English Language Teachers) TOP (Trainer Orientation Programme); Delivered pilot of CiPELT (Certificate in Primary English Language Teaching) level ‘Steady’ (learner grades 3 and 4)
  5. France Education International (FEI)

    03/05/22 to 05/2024 – Education Quality Improvement Programme 2 in Sudan (EQUIP2-Sudan)

    1. Develop 35-day Master trainer training on writing teacher training programmes for teachers of English at pre-service and in-service levels
    2.  Deliver the training f2f in Khartoum over 7 training weeks between June to September 2022
    3. Attend a follow up f2f 5-day activity at the beginning of Semester 2 2022
    4. Tracking teacher training programme between Semester 2 2023 to Semester 1 2024
    5. Attend a f2f seminar on the impact of the training May 2024
  1. British Council, Venezuela 2022-2023– delivered a 20-hour module for Teacher Educators based on the British Council’s Teacher Educator CPD framework. Delivered a 20-hour Teacher Educator coaching module to deliver the British Council PNF Secondary teacher training Module 1 and 2 Cohort 2 programmes. Delivered a 40-hour Teacher Educator mentoring module to mentor teacher educators as they deliver the PNF Secondary teacher training Module 1 and 2 Cohort 2 programmes.
  2. France Education International (FEI)

    03/05/22 to 05/2024 – Education Quality Improvement Programme 2 in Sudan (EQUIP2-Sudan)

    1. Develop 35-day Master trainer training on writing teacher training programmes for teachers of English at pre-service and in-service levels
    2.  Deliver the training f2f in Khartoum over 7 training weeks between June to September 2022
    3. Attend a follow up f2f 5-day activity at the beginning of Semester 2 2022
    4. Tracking teacher training programme between Semester 2 2023 to Semester 1 2024
    5. Attend a f2f seminar on the impact of the training May 2024

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